The story so far

Evan Lybrand is a South Carolina musician born and raised, who found his way up to Pittsburgh. He blends a mix of folk, blues, and alternative sounds together to weave tales of loss, love, and everything in between.

How's 2024? 

Just another update about what music looks like for 2024. Just a few short weeks ago I released a new single “It's a Start.” I'm really proud of how this one turned out and it seems like all of you have really been enjoying it too! I'm updating the site with the latest list of up coming shows, but be on the look out for more!

I'm back in the studio pulling together a new tune that I think will really knock your socks off. Not only that, but there's going to be some more fun news coming up in the near future too! 

Have a good one!

Something pretty cool! 

So, its been a little while since I've shared an updated, but I've been pretty busy this year. I've been in the studio working on some new things. One that is almost ready to share! Be on the look out for that.

The other thing I wanted to make sure I highlight is a cool opportunity that's coming up. I'll be heading to Brooklyn in late November to take part in a direct to vinyl recording session at Leesta Vall. What makes this kind of unique is that you can pre-order a copy of a recording, pick a song, and get a completely original recording that only you'll have. No two will be exactly the same and each one will be played live, by me, on the spot! I'm excited to be a part of this and it seems like it'll be a fun thing to do. 

I'm hoping it won't be too long before I share some more news here, so be on the lookout!


Here's a link to my pre-order page:

What's coming in 2023 

Hey Everyone, 

I've got some cool stuff coming this year. I'm back in the studio to records some new tracks. I'm exctied to be back in the recording mind set and I hope you guys really dig the new stuff. There's also a few solo shows coming up which are always a lot of fun. I'll be updating the events page with info as they come. Also, you can catch me playing with my friends in Outside Eliza this year. It'll be a fun time and a chance to play with a great group. So be on the lookout for all the cool stuff going on!

Starting to get started 

Hey everyone, at this point I don't have a ton of stuff to share or say, but I wanted to invite you to the beginning of something at least moderately professional. I've been wanting to put together something more formal for my music and I guess for now this is it and its not a bad start really. I'll be sharing updates on shows, music, and other things here. Welcome to the first part of what will hopefully be a fruitful and fun journey. Stick around and maybe you'll find something you really connect with. Thanks for visiting.